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Marco Garrido


Marco Vinicio Garrido-Félix holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and a Master’s Degree in Arts with a specialty in Diffusion from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.  He began working at Mexico’s Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) in 2000 as Assistant Professor of the Art, Architecture and Design Department, teaching theoretical and practical subjects in the Graphic Design Undergraduate Degree. In 2007, he was promoted to the Graphic Design Academic Program Director’s Office and of the Textile and Fashion Design Academic Program.  In 2008 he founded and directed UDESIGN, a series of international design conferences and exhibitions, created by the Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design at UDEM. In 2011 he became a member of the International Council of Communication Design (ICO-D) and was a panellist for the Icograda Educational Platform Meeting in Hong Kong. In 2014, he founded and directed the UDEM Center New York, a space for research and creation in design.