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Winners 2021

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2021 International Visual Identity Awards.

The top prize of International Visual Identity of the Year goes to the design team at Kong Inc for the brand’s new identity.

Visual Identity of the Year: Kong, United States

Category winners:


Kong, United States

Silver: Method Savvy, United States

Bronze: Joke de Winter, United Kingdom

Food and drink

Mad River, United Kingdom

Silver: DAIS, Australia

Bronze: Tamer Elmenyawi, Turkey

Restaurant, hospitality, travel and leisure

EightySeven, United States

Silver: Ernst Haderer, Germany

Bronze: Claudio Capello, Italy


Mad River, United Kingdom

Silver: Tielemans Design, United States

Bronze: Jan Kirov, Bulgaria


Uniforma, Poland

Silver: Composite, United States

Professional services

Kirk & Holm, Denmark

Silver: Geo Studio, Germany

Bronze: Halo Lab, Ukraine


Strategic Minds, Australia

Silver: DRIVE, United States

Media and publishing

The Agency of Wargaming, Belarus

Silver: Hiroshi Kurisaki Design, Japan

Consumer products

Pemberton & Whitefoord, United Kingdom

Silver: Ohana’s, Netherlands

Bronze: Jake Edson, United States


Harajuku Design, Japan

Silver: Shamrock Designs, Canada

Public sector

Kirk & Holm, Denmark

Charity and non-profit

Knowit, Denmark


Viabrand, Australia


Paramveer Bhachu and Yasmine Fell, United Kingdom

Silver: Xizhong Zhang, United States

Bronze: Carter Smythe, Canada

For a reminder of last year’s winners, take a look here.