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Vadehavskysten Brand

Vadehavskysten Brand. Logo. Design. Visual Identity. Graphic Design. Branding. Agency.

Kirk & Holm: Vadehavskysten

Vadehavskysten (Wadden Sea Coast) is a destination at the west coast of Denmark. It is a place where unique nature, diverse animal species and cozy architecture joins. This union is the matter of Vadehavskysten. The goal of the brand is to bring tour operators, hotel and restaurant owners and local businesses together in order to promote the area and attract tourists. We tell the story of the area in the logo. Each dot represents one feature and all together build the incredible destination. In the logo you can find birds, 3 islands – Fanø, Romø and Mandø; low tide, cozy houses and the cathedral of the city Ribe. Furthermore, the logo expands into a unique visual language, especially icons dedicated for every single activity possible at Vadehavskysten. Moreover, we designed a friendly, illustrated map to help tourists and visitors find their way around. The identity is completed with calm and a cozy photo style reflecting the nature of Vadehavskysten.

Vadehavskysten_04 logo.jpg
Vadehavskysten_02 logo.jpg
Vadehavskysten_03 logo.jpg